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By sheer number of uninterrupted years in print – decades, in fact – this book is a “long distance runner.” Why? It has been, and continues to be a strong support for millions of people struggling to overcome the destructive force of alcoholism in their lives.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions – or 12 & 12, as it is affectionately called – is used in conjunction with the “bible of recovery,” Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book.*

The power of 12 & 12 reaches beyond its ability to fight alcoholism. It is a “player“ in the other twelve step programs in existence. It is easy to read and further clarifies the fundamentals and subtleties of the steps. Some say it reads almost like a novel.

In addition to buoying the various basic texts of twelve step programs, 12 & 12 illuminates the paths of ordinary lives not necessarily in recovery. According to one reviewer, its counsels are “Straight forward steps that benefit all human beings… If all humans applied these principles in their lives, they would be a happier person and the world a better place.”

* Alcoholics Anonymous is also available for purchase from Amazon.com through the Resources Page of our website.
