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National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Prevent Child Abuse America

Pinwheels are the national symbol of prevention of childhood abuse and neglect They are widely displayed during April – the National Child Abuse Prevention Month. They represent the whimsy of childhood and the uplifting hope of a violence-free, safe and supportive environment for all children to thrive and grow up in.

Creating such an environment is the responsibility of all adults – not just designated agencies, professionals, and parents – because all adults are inextricably part of a child’s total environment – not just in April, but every day.

Being aware, learning more -and acting on where that learning leads – is a way each of us can “hold a pinwheel to our hearts” and contribute in some way to prevent child abuse, protect the whimsy and safety of children and play a part in laying the foundation of a better world – now, and in the future.

Let’s start now. A good guide to awareness and learning is the information provided by Prevent Child Abuse America.

We are providing a link to their website in the Resources section of our website.