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August 14, 2021

This book has been “hailed” by millions as “the greatest of all inspirational books on the subject of thrift, financial planning, and personal wealth.”  Even the great Jim Rohn – father of the personal development field, and go-to guru of such self-development giants as Tony Robbins, Les Brown, and former editor of “Success” magazine, Darren Hardy – has said that he used The Richest Man In Babylon as a manual to transform himself from being chronically broke to being forever a millionaire.

What accounts for the power of this book?

Is it that it clearly identifies the most basic, eternal, and unchanging laws of finance? Is it that it presents them in an easy-to-understand and entertaining way? Is it that it is set in exotic Babylon 5,000 years ago and overlays the lessons with a haze of golden yesteryear romance? Is it that it is a spur to action – that while pinpointing the cause of financial failure it simultaneously gives hope and means for a way out?

To read it is to find out. To use it is to prosper.
