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We join the Brazelton Touchpoints Center at Boston Children’s Hospital in honoring its founder T. Berry Brazelton, M.D. who would have celebrated his 101st birthday May 10, 2019.

The life’s work of Dr. Brazelton “one of the world’s best-known pediatricians and child development experts who revolutionized child rearing” is foundational to our mission to break the cycle of intergenerational incarceration. Our Founder, Maria Hayley, personally met with Dr. Brazelton in Boston where she participated in his seminar on the Neonatal Behavioral Scale and the Touchpoints system of early childhood development he had created. Touchpoints are predictable points of development in a child’s first three years of life that are particularly challenging for parents. Dr. Brazelton has created “anticipatory guidance” as a way to prepare and guide parents through these difficult phases. As the first years of life lay nearly eighty percent the foundation of a child’s future learning, quality of relationships and social behavior, Dr. Brazelton’s research and teachings permeate the principles and programs of our Foundation.

Two of Dr. Brazelton’s seminal books – Touchpoints (second edition) co-authored by Joshua D. Sparrow, M.D., and The Irreducible Needs of Children, co-authored by Stanley L. Greenspan, M.D., are listed in the Resources section of our website. They may easily be ordered from Amazon by clicking on each book’s image.