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All Roads Lead to College

Wendell Phillips Academy High School Hall of Fame Inductee

“Queen Mother” Reverend Helen Sinclair (right) – National Director of Jessie “Ma” Houston Prison Outpost of Rainbow Push Coalition and Director of the Board of The Freadom® Road Foundation – was inducted into the Wendell Phillips Academy High School Hall of Fame on Friday, October 26, 2018. Here she is pictured with Reverend Fannie McCullough, one of the organizers of this event. They are displaying Reverend Sinclair’s official Hall of Fame photo.

The Inductees’ Ceremony included a symbolic passing of the torch of wisdom and achievement to encourage and inspire current Wendell Phillips students.

“All Roads Lead to College” are the words inscribed above Wendell Phillips’ entrance doors.

The Freadom® Road leads to college too.

College is a “way out”.